The second installment in Debra Kemp’s House of Pendragon series, The Recruit, continues the enthralling story of King Arthur’s young daughter, Lin. After surviving the horrors of slavery, the princess is thrown into another world nearly as repugnant when she meets her unloving mother, Queen Gwenhywfar. Self-doubt plagues Lin, but it also fuels her relentless determination not to bow to the snobbish queen’s demands. Instead, she takes on the insurmountable task she hopes will keep her close to the father she adores—the task of becoming one of his knights.
Both an original twist on an old legend and a timeless reflection of the Arthurian era, The Recruit is a story that resonates with fresh vision and searing authenticity. A highly recommended read.
Both an original twist on an old legend and a timeless reflection of the Arthurian era, The Recruit is a story that resonates with fresh vision and searing authenticity. A highly recommended read.
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